Thursday, January 28, 2010

HOW TO: Build a More Beautiful Blog

I found this story on one of the best tech and social media news sites on the web, Mashable.

HOW TO: Build a More Beautiful Blog

There are a lot of great resources and tips to help with sprucing up your blog. Which I desperately needed. Enjoy if you are a blogger or a inspiring one.

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I Need Help ASAP

I really feel I have Adult ADD and that I suffer from bouts of depression. I am tired y'all. I really have to talk to someone or get some help for whatever this is. Many people don't take mental illness seriously. But I'm tired of trying to pretend I can wake up one morning and not deal with the things that continually haunt me everyday. Things that have been haunting me for years. I just need to know that there is some type of logic behind this. My next post or a post in the near future I will get more into detail on why I believe I suffer from ADD and depression. I also feel I have a personality disorder. All these things are screwing up my life. I am never going to accomplish anything dealing with this. It is late and as usual I am up. My mind is going 100 mph and it won't stop. It's like a thousand voices all going at the same time. Everything around me inside and out is a complete mess and in utter disarray. My life is a complete failure. I do not for the life of me know how to maintain a healthy, long term relationship with family and friends. I stay cooped up in my house for days on ends. No friends. I don't have a life outside of my kids. I am lonely, heartbroken and tired. Something has got to give. I am seeking help. This is for my kids more than it is for me. That is all I can blog for now. I am aware my blog has yet to capture who I am and my story. I will get to that one day. Just not ready....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Follow me

Follow my life in real time with Twitter updates:

Disclaimer: My tweets are not for the ignorant that stalks on the DL and then gets offended when they read something that they don't agree with. Save yourself the trouble.

P.S. If you have came through and peeked at my blog...don't be DL. Hit the follow button. I would really appreciate it. :-)

*Insert the above disclaimer for my blog also*

God wants me to know...

On this day God wants me to know....that you have so many gifts! - use them. God has given you so many gifts to show love and to give hope, to shine light and to spread joy. Abundant gifts. Use them. Give to yourself and give to others. There is an endless spring where they come from.

All Hail The Dance Queen! Miss Jackson.

Work Janet!

Monday, January 25, 2010

I am a mother

Yesterday I had an "Ah ha" moment watching the Oprah show. She had comedian Rosie O'Donnell as her guest. Something struck me when Rosie mentioned that a friend brought to her attention that she always brought up the fact she was a motherless child. Rosie herself is a mother to beautiful children. That same friend told her that either her story can be the motherless child or the mother. That really resonated to me. We choose our own life stories. I'm learning to stop embracing the pain and to embrace the present. I don't have to live in the past. I choose my own story. My mother didn't raise me. I was and still am affected by that. But that doesn't have to define me. That isn't my story. My present is I am a mother of 3 wonderful and beautiful children. My past is I was motherless but my story is that I am a mother.

God wants me to know...

On this day God wants me to know..... ... that your task is not to seek for love, but to seek and melt all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. God loves you with the very air you breath, the very light that touches your skin, the very ground that supports you. Love is everywhere, - ...melt your barriers, and you will have love in abundance.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Scoping the Scene

Wow, So I just checked out a few other blogger blogs and it's just safe to say that this blog is under construction. I am most def going to clean it up and make it look fantastical. So just have patience with me.

This is a Test

This is a test. This blog is a test. My life is a test. My failures thus far in 2010 are a test. That is all I have to say for now.