Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Need Help ASAP

I really feel I have Adult ADD and that I suffer from bouts of depression. I am tired y'all. I really have to talk to someone or get some help for whatever this is. Many people don't take mental illness seriously. But I'm tired of trying to pretend I can wake up one morning and not deal with the things that continually haunt me everyday. Things that have been haunting me for years. I just need to know that there is some type of logic behind this. My next post or a post in the near future I will get more into detail on why I believe I suffer from ADD and depression. I also feel I have a personality disorder. All these things are screwing up my life. I am never going to accomplish anything dealing with this. It is late and as usual I am up. My mind is going 100 mph and it won't stop. It's like a thousand voices all going at the same time. Everything around me inside and out is a complete mess and in utter disarray. My life is a complete failure. I do not for the life of me know how to maintain a healthy, long term relationship with family and friends. I stay cooped up in my house for days on ends. No friends. I don't have a life outside of my kids. I am lonely, heartbroken and tired. Something has got to give. I am seeking help. This is for my kids more than it is for me. That is all I can blog for now. I am aware my blog has yet to capture who I am and my story. I will get to that one day. Just not ready....


  1. Girl Trust Me...Ive been there...I've shared alot of things about my past with you so you know enough about all that...And i know what your going through...but you can get out of it...and you will...I wasnt taking No anti-depressants, wasnt seein anyone about it...yet i pulled myself out of it. With the Help of god, although i never realized at the time, that he was Right there helping me. You just need to do some serious soul searching or something girl...Everytime you start gettin some negative energy or thoughts comin your way, shrug it off, Forget about it! because in the end its not worth it. If You constantly walkin around with all that negative energy, and negative thinking, Things will never get Better, and its not only gonna affect you, but your kids, and the people around you. Nobody wants to be around that. Turn all the Negative, into Positive, Dont Stress about little things, Even Big things, Just Pray on it, and let it go. If you feel like talkin to someone about it, Do it! Just Stay Motivated, and Dont give up. Your an Amazing woman, and i know you Been thru so much, I hate seein you down!! I love you!!

  2. Ily Chic!! You are so right. I can do anything and I have so much potential. But honestly I really do want to try to talking to a professional. But in all my struggles I am going to God 1st and relying on him. My life is just in a weird place right now. It has been for awhile. It's like I'm facing myself for the 1st time. And it hurts. But I will be okay...Thanks mi chica.
