Friday, May 21, 2010

Game For Life

So I'm back. Yay!! My last post was very depressing and I was at a very low point. I'm better, I'm not going to say I don't have low points anymore, because I do. I decided against deleting it because heck its me and my life. I am who I am. Anywhoo I've learned to not give into my emotions so much. Its not worth it. Social networks are a definite lead way to just vent and vent. It was almost like a cry of help for me in a way. I think a lot of us unconscionably do that. To make it short I came across this scripture, Proverbs 29:11. Go get your bible or Google it. I have to use this scripture to calm myself sometimes. Maybe it will help someone who reads this post one day.
So anyways I just watched a youtubers vid on her commencement from College, I naturally teared up. I really am thinking of showing my journey on YouTube. Maybe it will inspire someone like I've been inspired. I know to some this may seem like a simple task (graduating) but it would mean so much to me to overcome some of the obstacles Ive placed on myself. There are two major ones I need to jump and when I do, lemme tell you It was a long way coming. I'm right at the forefront of that journey. I missed out on so much bcuz I gave up. There is no pain like giving up. Hurts like hell. But we always get another chance to live, start over and try again. Thats all you can do. Thats where I am, I'm starting over. Starting a journey I never quite allowed myself to finish nor start. My life isn't as cloudy. God has me at a place in life where I have clarity and a space to work on myself and accomplish my goals.'m so grateful for that. Sometimes our purpose in life doesn't include the ones we love, aspire to love and have loved. Once everything that isn't for you is out of your life, then its time to take hold and say its my time to work on me and start my journey. Thank God for the wisdom and clarity to even recognize that. You can either fight it or move forward with it.
I'm finding pieces of me that I lost and pieces of me that I never allowed myself to find in the 1st place. Its a wild experience but I'm game for it.

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